You have created a repository in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry in the us-ashburn-1 (iad) region

By | December 3, 2022

You have created a repository in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry in the us-ashburn-1 (iad) region in your tenancy with a namespace called “heyci.
Which three are valid tags for an image named “myapp”?

Correct Answer: A,F,G
Give a tag to the image that you’re going to push to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry by entering:
docker tag <image-identifier> <target-tag>
<image-identifier> uniquely identifies the image, either using the image’s id (for example, 8e0506e14874), or the image’s name and tag separated by a colon (for example, acme-web-app:latest).
<target-tag> is in the format <region-key><tenancy-namespace>/<repo-name>/<image-name>:<tag> where:
<region-key> is the key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry region you’re using. For example, iad. See Availability by Region. is the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry name.
<tenancy-namespace> is the auto-generated Object Storage namespace string of the tenancy that owns the repository to which you want to push the image (as shown on the Tenancy Information page). For example, the namespace of the acme-dev tenancy might be ansh81vru1zp. Note that for some older tenancies, the namespace string might be the same as the tenancy name in all lower-case letters (for example, acme-dev). Note also that your user must have access to the tenancy.
<repo-name> (if specified) is the name of a repository to which you want to push the image (for example, project01). Note that specifying a repository is optional (see About Repositories).
<image-name> is the name you want to give the image in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (for example, acme-web-app).
<tag> is an image tag you want to give the image in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (for example, version2.0.test).
For example, for convenience you might want to group together multiple versions of the acme-web-app image in the acme-dev tenancy in the Ashburn region into a repository called project01. You do this by including the name of the repository in the image name when you push the image, in the format <region-key><tenancy-namespace>/<repo-name>/<image-name>:<tag>. For example, Subsequently, when you use the docker push command, the presence of the repository in the image’s name ensures the image is pushed to the intended repository.
If you push an image and include the name of a repository that doesn’t already exist, a new private repository is created automatically. For example, if you enter a command like docker push and the project02 repository doesn’t exist, a private repository called project02 is created automatically.
If you push an image and don’t include a repository name, the image’s name is used as the name of the repository. For example, if you enter a command like docker push that doesn’t contain a repository name, the image’s name (acme-web-app) is used as the name of a private repository.