An engineer is designing a multicast network for a company specializing in VoD content. Receivers are across the Internet, and for performance reasons, the multicast framework must be close to the receivers within each AS. For high availability, if the sources in one AS are no longer available, the receivers of that AS must be able to receive the VoD content from the sources in another AS. Which feature must the design include?

By | November 21, 2022

  • A. SSM
  • B. anycast RP
  • C. bidirectional PIM
  • D. MSDP
Answer: Option B.

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The post An engineer is designing a multicast network for a company specializing in VoD content. Receivers are across the Internet, and for performance reasons, the multicast framework must be close to the receivers within each AS. For high availability, if the sources in one AS are no longer available, the receivers of that AS must be able to receive the VoD content from the sources in another AS. Which feature must the design include? appeared first on Majanto.