An engineer must create an EEM applet that sends a syslog message in the event a change happens in the network due to trouble with an OSPF process. Which action should the engineer use? event manager applet LogMessage event routing network type all

By | November 28, 2022

  • A. action 1 syslog msg “OSPF ROUTING ERROR”
  • B. action 1 syslog send “OSPF ROUTING ERROR”
  • C. action 1 syslog pattern “OSPF ROUTING ERROR”
  • D. action 1 syslog write “OSPF ROUTING ERROR”
Answer: Option A.

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The post An engineer must create an EEM applet that sends a syslog message in the event a change happens in the network due to trouble with an OSPF process. Which action should the engineer use? event manager applet LogMessage event routing network type all appeared first on Majanto.