Category Archives: Youtube Certification

In A Multi-Claim Scenario, If One Asset Owner Has A Block Policy, And Another Asset Owner Has A Monetize Policy, How Does YouTube Prioritize The Policies?

In A Multi-Claim Scenario, If One Asset Owner Has A Block Policy, And Another Asset Owner Has A Monetize Policy, How Does YouTube Prioritize The Policies? YouTube merges the policies (Block + Monetize = Track). YouTube randomly assigns one of the owner’s policies. YouTube applies the most restrictive policy (Block). YouTube applies the least restrictive policy (Monetize).

Why Might Revenue Numbers Be Different In The YouTube Analytics Ad Rates Report Than In The Downloadable Ads Partner Revenue Reports?

Why Might Revenue Numbers Be Different In The YouTube Analytics Ad Rates Report Than In The Downloadable Ads Partner Revenue Reports? This never happens; the two will always be exactly the same. The Ads Revenue report reflects gross revenue. The Ad Rates report includes end-of-month adjustments. The Ads Revenue reports reflect ownership splits and third-party revenue.