Tag Archives: myResource

Given: (Exhibit) You want to use the myResource class in a try-with-resources statement. Which change

Given:You want to use the myResource class in a try-with-resources statement. Which change will accomplish this? A. Implement AutoCloseable and override the close method. B. Extend AutoCloseable and override the autoClose method. C. Extend AutoCloseable and override the close method. D. Implement AutoCloseable and override the autoClose method. Correct Answer: A

Given: (Exhibit) You want to use the myResource class in a try-with-resources statement. Which change

Given:You want to use the myResource class in a try-with-resources statement. Which change will accomplish this? A. Extend AutoCloseable and override the close method. B. Implement AutoCloseable and override the autoClose method. C. Extend AutoCloseable and override the autoClose method. D. Implement AutoCloseable and override the close method. Correct Answer: D