Tag Archives: online

Once You’ve Worked Out Your Unique Selling Point (USP), How Would You Use It In A Long-Term Online Strategy?

Once You’ve Worked Out Your Unique Selling Point (USP), How Would You Use It In A Long-Term Online Strategy? Incorporate it within marketing materials across all channels to help raise customer awareness Create an email campaign letting your customers know why you are unique Film a video explaining your unique selling point and send it to employees Create… Read More »

Why Is Optimising Customer Touchpoints Online Beneficial For Businesses?

Why Is Optimising Customer Touchpoints Online Beneficial For Businesses? It allows brands to add pop-up ads at every point of the customer journey, ensuring high visibility It gives businesses the opportunity to save money on online advertising It provides customers with value every time they come into contact with a brand, helping build trust It gives businesses an opportunity to… Read More »

‘Because online attention spans are shorter, a great hook or opening sentence is important to draw people in.’ What is this a best practice example of?

‘Because online attention spans are shorter, a great hook or opening sentence is important to draw people in.’ What is this a best practice example of? Writing engaging online copy Keeping the target audience in mind Understanding the user journey Being consistent in your approach to copy

Which of the following is a core benefit that content marketing can bring to a business’s online presence?

Which of the following is a core benefit that content marketing can bring to a business’s online presence? It can improve sales by directing more traffic to your website It can enable a business to create a bank of content, which can be reused to create ads It helps a company identify its biggest competitors It provides you… Read More »

With more and more users using mobile to look at websites, it is key that you optimise your site so users can find it when searching online. Which two elements should you look to optimise for improved SEO performance?

With more and more users using mobile to look at websites, it is key that you optimise your site so users can find it when searching online. Which two elements should you look to optimise for improved SEO performance? Site speed and usability Keywords and metadata Image size and navigation Site speed and visual appearance