Tag Archives: outcome

Given the code fragment: var pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5); Future outcome = pool.submit(()

Given the code fragment:var pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);Future outcome = pool.submit(() > 1);Which type of lambda expression is passed into submit()? A. java.util.function.Function B. java.util.concurrent.Callable C. java.util.function.Predicate D. java.lang.Runnable Correct Answer: B

Which outcome is achieved with this Python code? client.connect (ip, port= 22, username= usr, password= pswd ) stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command ( ‘show ip bgp bestpathn ‘ ) print (stdout)

A. connects to a Cisco device using SSH and exports the BGP table for the prefix B. displays the output of the show command in a formatted way C. connects to a Cisco device using SSH and exports the routing table information D. connects to a Cisco device using Telnet and exports the routing table information Answer: Option… Read More »

Walt Wants To Provide Strategic Guidance For The Google App Campaign He’s Managing. He Wants The Campaign To Work Within Specific Boundaries, Toward A Desired Outcome. Which Two Settings Should Walt Observe On An Ongoing Basis? (Choose Two.)

Walt Wants To Provide Strategic Guidance For The Google App Campaign He’s Managing. He Wants The Campaign To Work Within Specific Boundaries, Toward A Desired Outcome. Which Two Settings Should Walt Observe On An Ongoing Basis? (Choose Two.) Location Bid Budget Audience

Janelle’s Running A Google App Campaign And Knows That Although It’s Powered By Machine Learning, Her Inputs As A Marketer Still Matter A Lot. In Which Three Ways Can Janelle Best Guide The Machine Toward A Successful Outcome? (Choose Three.)

Janelle’s Running A Google App Campaign And Knows That Although It’s Powered By Machine Learning, Her Inputs As A Marketer Still Matter A Lot. In Which Three Ways Can Janelle Best Guide The Machine Toward A Successful Outcome? (Choose Three.) Janelle can set location targeting at the ad group level. Janelle can provide the system with abundant data… Read More »

What is the outcome of executing this command? git clone ssh:/john@example.com/path/to/my-project.git

A. creates a local copy of a repository called “my-project” B. initiates a new Git repository called “my-project” C. creates a copy of a branch called “my-project” D. creates a new branch called “my-project” Answer: Option A. Explanation:  Reference: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/setting-up-a-repository/git-clone Show AnswerDiscussion The post What is the outcome of executing this command?<br><i> git clone ssh:/john@example.com/path/to/my-project.git</i> appeared first on… Read More »

Reggie Manages The Online Marketing Campaigns For A Vitamin And Supplement Store. He Launched A Google Search Campaign And Chose Website Traffic As His Campaign Marketing Goal. Which Outcome Is Reggie Expecting From The Campaign? – Majanto

More followers on the store’s social media presence. Getting more customers to learn about his products. More online sales through Reggie’s online store. E-mail sign-ups from people interested in a healthy lifestyle.