Tag Archives: prepares

An engineer must configure a load balancer server. The engineer prepares a script to automate workflow by using Bash. The script installs the nginx package, moves to the /opt/nginx directory, and reads the sites.txt file for further processing. Based on the script workflow, which process is being automated within the loop by using the information in sites.txt?

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer must configure a load balancer server. The engineer prepares a script to automate workflow by using Bash. The script installs the nginx package, moves to the /opt/nginx directory, and reads the sites.txt file for further processing. Based on the script workflow, which process is being automated within the loop by using the… Read More »

A developer wants to create a room named cisco through Webex API. The developer prepares the request by putting an API token inside the authorization header; however, the given HTTP call returns error code 400. How must the call parameters be changed to ensure a valid response?

Refer to the exhibit. A developer wants to create a room named cisco through Webex API. The developer prepares the request by putting an API token inside the authorization header; however, the given HTTP call returns error code 400. How must the call parameters be changed to ensure a valid response? A. Replace the team body parameter with… Read More »

A network engineer works on a Cisco DevNet application that is available for download on the Cisco DevNet website. The engineer prepares a bash script to automate operations that relate to the application. Which workflow is being automated in the bash script?

Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer works on a Cisco DevNet application that is available for download on the Cisco DevNet website. The engineer prepares a bash script to automate operations that relate to the application. Which workflow is being automated in the bash script? A. compilation and configuration of the Cisco DevNet application so that it… Read More »

A developer must check packages on web load balancers that use nginx packages. The developer updates the servers as required in Ansible inventory and prepares an Ansible playbook to automate this workflow on related servers. Which process is being automated by the Ansible playbook?

Refer to the exhibit. A developer must check packages on web load balancers that use nginx packages. The developer updates the servers as required in Ansible inventory and prepares an Ansible playbook to automate this workflow on related servers. Which process is being automated by the Ansible playbook? A. verifying that nginx is installed only if apache2 is… Read More »

An engineer must check the admin rights of users on a database regularly and prepares the Python script to automate the process. The script connects to the database and runs a query. What is a security issue about the secrets in the code that relates to secret protection?

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer must check the admin rights of users on a database regularly and prepares the Python script to automate the process. The script connects to the database and runs a query. What is a security issue about the secrets in the code that relates to secret protection? A. They must be stored in… Read More »