Tag Archives: warnings

Given: (Exhibit) Which annotation should be used to remove warnings from compilation?

Given:Which annotation should be used to remove warnings from compilation? A. @SuppressWarnings on the main and print methods B. @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) on main and @SafeVarargs on the print method C. @SuppressWarnings(“rawtypes”) on main and @SafeVarargs on the print method D. @SuppressWarnings(“all”) on the main and print methods Correct Answer: B

Given: (Exhibit) Which annotation should be used to remove warnings from compilation?

Given:Which annotation should be used to remove warnings from compilation? A. @SuppressWarnings on the main and print methods B. @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) on main and @SafeVarargs on the print method C. @SuppressWarnings(“rawtypes”) on main and @SafeVarargs on the print method D. @SuppressWarnings(“all”) on the main and print methods Correct Answer: B