Which outcome is achieved with this Python code? client.connect (ip, port= 22, username= usr, password= pswd ) stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command ( ‘show ip bgp bestpathn ‘ ) print (stdout)

By | December 1, 2022

  • A. connects to a Cisco device using SSH and exports the BGP table for the prefix
  • B. displays the output of the show command in a formatted way
  • C. connects to a Cisco device using SSH and exports the routing table information
  • D. connects to a Cisco device using Telnet and exports the routing table information
Answer: Option A.

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The post Which outcome is achieved with this Python code?<br><i> client.connect (ip, port= 22, username= usr, password= pswd ) stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command ( ‘show ip bgp bestpathn ‘ ) print (stdout)</i> appeared first on Majanto.