Tag Archives: Agile

Which two statements are true about Agile Boards in Visual Builder Studio? Response:

Which two statements are true about Agile Boards in Visual Builder Studio?Response: A. The estimation type of a board can be Story Points or Target Weeks. B. A board is a metric that defines the relative effort of work and helps to understand the complexity of an issue. C. In a Kanban board, tasks are managed with a… Read More »

Which two statements are true about Agile Boards in VisualBuilder Studio?

Which two statements are true about Agile Boards in VisualBuilder Studio? A. In a Scrum board, tasks are broken into small actions to be completed in fixed duration cycles, called Sprints. B. In a Kanban board, tasks are managed with a focus on continuous delivery. C. The estimation type of a board can be Story Points or Target… Read More »

Which principle is a value from the manifesto for Agile software development?

A. processes and tools over teams and interactions B. detailed documentation over working software C. adhering to a plan over responding to requirements D. customer collaboration over contract negotiation Answer: Option D. Explanation:  Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/global/en_hk/solutions/collaboration/files/agile_product_development.pdf Show AnswerDiscussion The post Which principle is a value from the manifesto for Agile software development? appeared first on Majanto.

What is a functionality of the Waterfall method as compared to the Agile method for software development?

A. Waterfall increases agility to implement faster while Agile promotes reliability. B. A phase begins after the previous phase has ended in Waterfall while Agile phases run in parallel. C. Customers get feedback during the process in Waterfall while they can see the result at the end in Agile. D. Requirements can be updated in Waterfall while in… Read More »