Tag Archives: SCOTTTIGER

The SCOTT/TIGER user exists in two databases, BOSTON_DB and DALLAS_DB, in two different locations. Each

The SCOTT/TIGER user exists in two databases, BOSTON_DB and DALLAS_DB, in two different locations.Each database has a tnsnames.ora file defining DALLAS_DB as a service name.Examine this command:CREATE DATABASE LINK dblink1 CONNECT TO scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger USING ‘dallas_db’; How do you execute the command so that only SCOTT in BOSTON_DB can access the SCOTT schema in DALLAS_DB? A.… Read More »

The SCOTT/TIGER user exists in two databases, BOSTON_DB and DALLAS_DB, in two different locations. Each

The SCOTT/TIGER user exists in two databases, BOSTON_DB and DALLAS_DB, in two different locations.Each database has a tnsnames.ora file defining DALLAS_DB as a service name.Examine this command:CREATE DATABASE LINK dblink1 CONNECT TO scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger USING ‘dallas_db’; How do you execute the command so that only SCOTT in BOSTON_DB can access the SCOTT schema in DALLAS_DB? A.… Read More »