Tag Archives: Starting

What Should You Do To Secure Executive Buy-In If You’re Starting A Social Media Project And Don’t Have A Past Campaign To Use As A Benchmark?

What Should You Do To Secure Executive Buy-In If You’re Starting A Social Media Project And Don’t Have A Past Campaign To Use As A Benchmark? Research the costs of agencies that can do the work. Consider industry research to back up your plan. Position your program as an experiment or pilot. Create a robust PowerPoint with statistics… Read More »

You’re Starting A Project And Don’t Have A Past Campaign To Use As A Benchmark. How Can You Secure Executive Buy-In?

You’re Starting A Project And Don’t Have A Past Campaign To Use As A Benchmark. How Can You Secure Executive Buy-In? Research the costs of agencies that can do the work. Consider industry research to back up your plan. Position your program as an experiment or pilot. Create a robust PowerPoint with statistics to back up your plan.