Tag Archives: recommendations

Google Has Created A Set Of Recommendations Called ABCDs You Can Use To Drive Performance In Your YouTube Ad Campaigns. What Does ABCD Stand For?

Google Has Created A Set Of Recommendations Called ABCDs You Can Use To Drive Performance In Your YouTube Ad Campaigns. What Does ABCD Stand For? Attract, Baseline, Call-to-action, Distract Automatic, Bold, Callout, Disrupt Attract, Brand, Connect, Direct Audience, Bait, Connect, Divert

A wireless engineer is getting ready to perform a predictive site survey. The new network needs to support data and voice over wireless. Which two Cisco recommendations should be considered for the design? (Choose two.)

A. Set -19 dBm of separation between APs on the same channel. B. Use the 5 GHz radio band due to 40 MHz bandwidth capability. C. Use the 5 GHz radio band due to the 24 non-overlapping channels. D. Set the cell boundary to -67 dBm. E. Set the cell overlap to 15% Answer: Option C, D. Explanation: … Read More »

In Google’s ABCDs, What Are Two Recommendations For Connecting With Viewers? (Choose Two.)

In Google’s ABCDs, What Are Two Recommendations For Connecting With Viewers? (Choose Two.) Leverage the power of audio in your ads to lift brand awareness. Use video shots from movies and television shows to get attention. Force a user into a sign-up or e-mail capture to exit the ad display. Film ads that have a depressing emotional factor to gain sympathy. Increase… Read More »

To Assist Advertisers Using YouTube, Google Created A Set Of Recommendations Based On Successful Campaigns, Known As The ABCDs. Match Each Recommendation With Its Meaning.

To Assist Advertisers Using YouTube, Google Created A Set Of Recommendations Based On Successful Campaigns, Known As The ABCDs. Match Each Recommendation With Its Meaning. ​Be clear on what the audience should do. Open YouTube ads with impact. ​Tap into emotion, audio, and pacing. Brand naturally and with purpose. Direct (1) Connect (3) Attract (2) Brand (4)

Leo Is In Charge Of Advertising For The Clothing Lines Of A Large Manufacturer. He Uses His Google Ads Recommendations Page To Help Him Evaluate His Search Ads Campaigns. Which Feature Makes The Optimization Recommendations Valuable For Leo? – Majanto

The recommendations are tailored to the specific account. The recommendations only apply to select keywords. The recommendations provide general insight from Google. The recommendations are created by higher-level account executives.

What are two recommendations for protecting network ports from being exploited when located in an office space outside of an IT closet? (Choose two.)

A. enable the PortFast feature on ports B. configure static ARP entries C. configure ports to a fixed speed D. implement port-based authentication E. shut down unused ports Answer: Option D, E. Explanation:  No answer description available for this question. Show AnswerDiscussion The post What are two recommendations for protecting network ports from being exploited when located in… Read More »

An Algorithm That Looks Across Key Aspects Of Your Accounts Calculates Your Google Search Ads Optimization Score. This Score Helps Give You Recommendations On How To Optimize Your Search Ads Campaigns. What Are Two Of The Data Sources That Are Used To Calculate Optimization Recommendations? (Choose Two.) – Majanto

Industry data Account executives User generated scenarios Company sales figures Campaign settings

An Advertising Executive Takes Over A Google Search Ads Campaign. On His Google Ads Recommendations Page He Notes That The Campaign’s Optimization Score Is 40%. What Does This Score Indicate? – Majanto

The campaign score has 60% headroom to improve. The campaign is 60% less optimal than other company campaigns. The campaign is running 40% over budget. 40% of the revenue she allocates to her campaign is being used in the wrong areas.